a very important section

comprehensive article analysis

TWO SUPPORT SOURCES The article analysis format will be:
1 - 2 page paper 
APA style 
Papers will not include an abstract

The 5 factors you need to successfully implement your strategy
Jim Sisson. 
Every organization has to balance the sophistication and complexity of its strategy with the challenges of implementation. I would much rather see a mediocre strategy well implemented than an exceptional strategy that languishes because the organization lacks the resources to implement it. There are several factors that seem to have a major impact on an organization’s ability to implement.

1. Commitment. Commitment starts at the top but it must not end there. Middle management and front line supervisors must have the commitment needed to communicate the plan and enroll the employees in the strategy. If they are not committed, the rest of the organization won’t be either.

2. Ability and willingness to change. Strategy implementation requires change. Some organizations embrace change while others resist to the bitter end. GM has known for years what it needed to do to become more competitive. It simply was unable or unwilling to do it. Apple on the other hand has reinvented itself from a computer company into an entertainment and communications company. If you have been following the same strategy for 50 years, there is a good chance it is time to change.

3. An organizational structure that supports the strategy. One of the most powerful implementation tools available to a company is its organizational structure. A strategy’s priorities are usually reflected in its organizational structure. A strategy may require centralized control or decentralized flexibility. It may be designed to encourage product development or generate efficiency through standardization. The organizational structure must be designed to support the priorities required by the strategy. A significant change in strategy almost certainly must be accompanied by a change in structure.

4. Ability to measure progress. Every implementation effort has an element of trial and error learning. However, the learning opportunity is missed if you cannot measure your results. A learning organization must be able to define success and measure its progress so it can learn what works and what doesn’t.

5. A clear understanding of priorities. I believe you don’t have a strategy until you are willing to identify who you won’t serve. Management is often distracted from its strategy by opportunities that continually pop up. Opportunity driven is just another way of saying you have no focus. Resources are always limited and if you don’t have clear priorities, you dilute resources chasing the unimportant.

Paper Title: Can be the Article Week, Article Title, or Topic Title
Student Name
Park University

Introduction (title either “Introduction” or Use the Actual paper title
The introduction section is an introduction of the paper, not the article. The introduction must be comprehensive and outline the flow and structure of paper. There can be supportive input to open the paper, but thee overview of the paper is the most important part. For example. 
Many students at the college level are not familiar with proper research paper development (Picciano, Seaman, & Allen, 2010). This paper will outline the key sections involved in the Article Analysis paper, provide a summary of the contents of each paper, and serve as a guide to help students develop a college level paper.  
Topic Overview
The goal of this section is to overview the course topic that will also be the topic of the article. The student should make it clear what topic they will be discussing and all remaining sections should relate to the topic. In this example the topic is writing the paper. The following example might be found in this section. This topic under review be the proper formatting and input of a research paper. There are key elements of a research paper that must be understood before an acceptable paper can be produced (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). The formatting of a paper is the topic, not the article that will relate to the topic later in this paper.  
Related Article Analysis
This is the section where an article related to the topic is analyzed. In this section only the article is analyzed. The topic itself is secondary to what the article is about. An example of text in this section would be as follows. 
In an article on writing an effective college level paper, the authors highlighted some of the key techniquest that students should use when drafting a research paper (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). The article was specific to research writing but it applies to this assignment as well. Citing sources and using the research to emphasize the topic comes through the effective incorporation of data and statistics. It is also helpful to  use quotes and other topic input, but the emphasis is not as strong.
Relationship to Course Topics
This is also a very important section. In this section the relationship between the topic, the article, and course work is highlighted. It is important to show a clear link between all of the elements required of the Article Analysis paper. For example the following information could be a part of this section. IMPORTANT NOTE – THE INPUT IS NOT IN THE ARTICLEs BUT ONLY USED AS AN EXAMPLE TO SHOW HOW TWO COURSE ARTICLES WOULD BE USED.  One of the key elements of professional advancement is the ability to present information both oral and written. Many women executives have sighted the ability to present information as critical to their advancement (Tischler, 2004). The elements presented in the article (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011) are very similar to our course reading in terms of content and key skills and abilities required
In summary, women have overcome many adversities in the workplace over the years. Some have risen up to the corporate world or government positions to be the best at their craft.  I believe that success is defined by each person differently, and women who “opt out” have carefully weighed their decisions with their own best interests in place.  Enhance your conclusions with a summary of the entire paper (what you covered) 

Creswell, J.W. & Plano Clark, V. L. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed method research. (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Picciano, A. G., Seaman, J., & Allen, I. E. (2010). Educational transformation through online learning: To be or not to be. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. 14 (4). 17 – 35.
Tishcler, L. (2004). Where are the Women? Fast Company. Retrieved from http://www.fastcompany.com/48593/where-are-women