articles by Cameron and Pole

Research Methods two essay questions 250 words or more each (APA style)


250 or more words- APA style


Read the articles by Cameron and Pole (located in the Course Materials in the Resources section) and discuss a situation where AND how a mixed methods approach could be performed to help in a decision-making process. Include at least two in text citations and reference from a scholarly source in your initial post.


250 or more words APA stlye


Read the Sternberg and Sternberg article (located in Course Materials in the Resources link) and utilize the APA textbook readings to discuss the importance of adhering to a convention such as APA format when writing and researching. What do you like about it? What would you change about APA if you could? Why? Include at least two in text citations and two references from a scholarly source in your initial post.

application/pdf iconmixed_methods_3.pdf
application/pdf iconmixed_methods_call_to_first_generation.pdf
application/pdf iconmixed_methods_research_-_2.pdf
application/pdf iconsternberg_question_2_article.pdf