author supplies

Spelling and grammar mistakes that prevent the reader from understanding the author’s meaning.

Spelling and grammar mistakes that distract the reader and detract from the author’s meaning.

Very few or no spelling or grammar mistakes.

No spelling or grammar mistakes

Well-constructed sentences and good use of phrases.

No spelling or grammar mistakes

Well-constructed sentences and good use of phrases which powerfully and clearly express the author’s meaning.


Poorly articulated  or unarticulated thesis and no evidence of logical development within the paper.

Poorly articulated  or unarticulated thesis.

Clearly articulated thesis which is roughly followed throughout the paper.

Clearly articulated thesis followed throughout the paper.

Clearly articulated thesis that is adhered to and referred to throughout the paper.


Unorganized, weak or shallow ideas showing little internal relations or logical development.

Unorganized, ideas showing little internal relations or logical development.

Logical Development within the paper.

Well organized paper where the theme is articulated and developed.

Well organized paper where the theme is articulated and developed and brought to a final conclusion.


Misidentifies or mischaracterizes the author’s position on the issue and the reasons the author supplies in support of that position.

Correctly identifies and characterizes the authors position on the issue, but mischaracterizes or omits  the reasons that the author supplies in support of his or her position.

Correctly identifies and characterizes the author’s position on the issue and the reasons the author supplies in support of that position.  Offers only a cursory or weak critical evaluation.

Correctly identifies and characterizes the author’s position on the issue and the reasons the author supplies in support of that position.  Provides a thoughtful critical evaluation.

Correctly identifies and characterizes the author’s position on the issue and the reasons the author supplies in support of that position.  Provides a thoughtful critical evaluation.  Introduces additional  considerations or relates this issue to other issues not directly covered by the author.