DUE Wed 6-10-15

Professors Response:

BEFORE TAKING THE EXAMINATION: Answer 6 questions with thorough response!

You must answer all six of the following questions as comprehensively as possible.. And please keep in mind that all exams will be run through Turnitin to detect where your material comes from.

So this is what I would like to see: a good reading of what the questions ask for and solid responses that account for everything the questions deal with. I never quantify lengths of responses, but I can’t imagine answering one of the questions successfully in under at least 400-500 words.


Question 1

By the year 2050, there will be 8.5 billion people in the world, of whom 5.5 billion will be living in urban areas. The articles you read in week 5 said that a ‘revolution in thinking’ must occur to alleviate this crisis, but what form must this revolution take?

Question 2

What are some of the things that governments in developing states can do to improve access to secondary educational opportunities for children?

Question 3

What are some of the major causes for a lower life expectancy in the Third World than in the First?

Question 4

There are several reasons why foreign aid is not resolving poverty in the Third World. What are some of them and what can be done to correct this problem?

Question 5

Africa has severe infrastructural problems but also the potential for good growth in the coming decades. Discuss both of these issues.

Question 6

Democracy and development do not have to be mutually exclusive. What does this mean?