belief systems

This is an American Literature class. Cannot have two sentence brief answers. Answers need to be fully explained. —– Discuss the attitudes, values, and belief systems of three of the five writers below in terms of current, contemporary American attitudes, values, and belief systems. John Smith William Bradford John Winthrop Anne Bradstreet Samuel Sewall —– Would the writers below agree or disagree with the state of our current economy/society/government. Why or why not? Use examples and discuss all three! John Adams Thomas Paine Thomas Jefferson —– Discuss the importance of African American literature in terms of American identity using a variety of African American writers you have read in this course. (Does not need to be the full list). Harriet Beecher Stowe Harriet Jacobs Frederick Douglass Frances Ellen Watkins Harper —– Discuss Melville’s Moby-….. Did you like this reading selection? Why or why not? Discuss the story in terms of what you have learned about American literature in this class. —–