breaking trust

children and inappropriate content

breaking trust


internet addiction


Find a current affair (from 2013 up until now) in the news/internet where any of the above topics is the issue, good or bad.


Copy/Paste the URL of the webpage where you found it.


Write a paragraph narrating t

children and inappropriate content

breaking trust


internet addiction


Find a current affair (from 2013 up until now) in the news/internet where any of the above topics is the issue, good or bad.


Copy/Paste the URL of the webpage where you found it.


Write a paragraph narrating the issue IN YOUR OWN WORDS,  followed by a paragraph evaluating the morality of the issue. Be sure to base your evaluatio

children and inappropriate content

breaking trust


internet addiction


Find a current affair (from 2013 up until now) in the news/internet where any of the above topics is the issue, good or bad.


Copy/Paste the URL of the webpage where you found it.


Write a paragraph narrating the issue IN YOUR OWN WORDS,  followed by a paragraph evaluating the morality of the issue. Be sure to base your evaluation in one of our ethical theories:



Social Contract

Rule Utilitarianism

Act Utilitarianism

Virtual Ethics

n in one of our ethical theories:



Social Contract

Rule Utilitarianism

Act Utilitarianism

Virtual Ethics

he issue IN YOUR OWN WORDS,  followed by a paragraph evaluating the morality of the issue. Be sure to base your evaluation in one of our ethical theories:



Social Contract

Rule Utilitarianism

Act Utilitarianism

Virtual Ethics