VPSA63H3 BUT WHY IS IT ART? | STUDIO | ARTS, CULTURE, AND MEDIA, UTSC | FALL 2015 | PROF. WILL KWAN | GRADING CODES This list explains the codes that you may see on your graded writing assignments. If you want further explanation please come talk to me during office hours. ISSUES WITH GRAMMAR AND WRITING MECHANICS SEN Poor sentence structure, confusing sentence, or sentence fragment. GRM Improper use of adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, subject/verb agreement, verb tenses, or irregular verbs. WC Poor word choice. PUN Incorrect punctuation. SP Incorrect spelling. NP New paragraph. ISSUES WITH CONTENT GEN Avoid generalizations or clichés like this. Replace vague words/statements with specific words/concise examples. EXP This term or concept needs explanation. TS Poor topic sentence. A topic sentence should introduce what the paragraph is about. OP This statement is out of place. It is unrelated to what you are discussing in the rest of the paragraph. CON This statement, paragraph, or section is confusing. FAL Avoid logical fallacy. This statement is a circular argument (restates the argument rather than actually proving it), an

either/or conclusion (oversimplifies an argument by reducing it to two sides or choices), an ad hominem (attack on the character of a person rather than his or her opinions or arguments), an ad populum (emotional appeal that speaks to positive or negative concepts rather than the real issues, or relies moral equivalence (compares minor misdeeds with major atrocities).

APL Use appropriate language. Avoid using slang or idiomatic expressions in academic writing. LPS Sentence lacks parallel structure. CIT Citation needed. WHY YOU SHOULD LEARN TO WRITE The most important skills you can learn while you are at UTSC are effective writing and communication skills. Your ability to succeed in a job or a field after you graduate will be affected by how well you can present yourself and your thoughts through text and language. Take proactive steps to improve on these skills while you are here. WRITING SUPPORT RESOURCES Purdue University has an excellent website that explains the mechanics and structure of good writing in short and clear summaries: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/1/ Some of the learning resources/services offered at UTSC include: • The Writing Centre utsc.utoronto.ca/~ctl/twc/index.htm • English Language Development utsc.utoronto.ca/~ctl/eld/reading.html • Centre for Teaching & Learning utsc.utoronto.ca/~ctl/index.html