Cartoons and Social Commentar

Assignment 3: Cartoons and Social Commentary This assignment will invite you to analyze artwork that functions as social commentary.

Assignment 3: Cartoons and Social Commentary

PREPARE Complete the Read/View assignments for Week 3.

COMPOSE Choose a cartoon or creative advertisement that features social commentary from one of the following sites: ads/ or Then, create an assignment in which you analyze the cartoon or ad and discuss how art can be used to draw attention to social issues. Please include chosen cartoon in the essay or as a link on your reference page.

You may write a 1-2 page essay or create an infographic chart with text and graphics that includes at least 10 items. Include a minimum of three credible sources from the LA film research databases or online.

COMPLETE Your assignment should be formatted in APA, including a cover page, header, and double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font. Cite all sources, such as images or research, that you used on your References page. Save the essay as a .doc or .docx file named LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_CARTOONS. Do not zip the file. The assignment file must be submitted to LAO by 11:59 pm PST on Sunday of Week 3.

 Due Sunday of Week 3 by 11:59 pm PST

 1-2 double spaced pages or an infographic chart with 10 items

 15% of your overall grade in the course


Format your assignment in APA.

Item Excellent 
(100-90%) Good

(89-80%) Average (79-70%)

Needs Improvement

Requirements Not Met
 (59% or less)

Content and Thoroughness


The required questions/topics 
 are responded to thoroughly. 
 The submission is thoughtful, 
 and demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the course material. Research meets assignment requirements 
 and is credible.

The required questions/topics 
 are responded to thoroughly. Submission is mostly thoughtful. 
 A few vague areas may need additional clarification. Research required meets the assignment requirements and is credible.

The required questions/topics are addressed, but more explanation might be needed. Research, if required and/or included meets few of the assignment requirements. Research source(s) may 
 not be credible.

The required questions/topics are not addressed in thorough detail. Research, if required and/or included meets few of the assignment requirements. Research source(s) may not be credible.

The required questions/topics have not been responded to. Research, if required and/or included does not meet the assignment requirements. Credible sources not used.

Organization 30%

The assignment is highly organized. It includes topic sentences and transitions 
 and flows well. Each topic 
 or point is developed in its 
 own paragraph.

The assignment is well organized. It includes topic sentences and transitions. There may be one or two places that do not flow well. Each topic or point is developed in its own paragraph.

The assignment is fairly organized. Topic sentences and transitions are included. Several places may be choppy or may not flow well. Each topic or point is developed in its own paragraph, but some may be shorter than others.

The assignment is not well organized. Topic sentences and transitions are used sparingly. May contain many choppy areas. Each topic or point is not developed in its own paragraph.

The assignment is not organized. No topic sentences or transitions are used. 
 Does not flow and is difficult to read. There may be few or no paragraph breaks.

Writing/Spelling/ Grammar/

Mechanics 10%

Writing is clear and free of major errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Writing is clear. Some errors 
 in spelling, grammar, and punctuation lessened the effectiveness of the communication.

Writing is generally clear. Several errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation lessened the effectiveness of the communication.

Writing is often unclear and 
 not well organized. Several 
 errors in spelling, grammar, 
 and punctuation lessened 
 the effectiveness of the communication.

Writing is unclear and unorganized. Significant errors 
 in spelling, grammar, and punctuation prevent effective communication.

Assignment Rubric