Children with Special

Week 6: Reflecting on Children with Special Needs


You began this course with a growing foundation in child development to support your learning with regard to the physical, emotional, social, and educational challenges and opportunities for children with special needs. Most likely you also entered the course with some personal beliefs and opinions with regard to children with special needs. Now, after much reading, thinking, sharing, and learning, your knowledge about many aspects of life—and specifically, education—f or children with special needs has increased. Some of your personal views may have changed as well.

This week, as the course wraps up, your goal is to reflect on what you have learned, on the insights you have gained, and on assumptions and misconceptions you have dispelled that will help you as a child development professional work with greater respect, understanding, and sensitivity for children who have special needs and their families.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Reflect on and synthesize learning with regard to new knowledge and insights on the needs, challenges, and opportunities for children with special needs