city upon a hill

 Google the phares “city upon a hill” and find a 20th or 21th century speech which contains that phrase. Write a short paragraph in which you identify the speaker and the occasion. Why did the speaker refer to this “city on the hill”?

 Google the phares “city upon a hill” and find a 20th or 21th century speech which contains that phrase. Write a short paragraph in which you identify the speaker and the occasion. Why did the speaker refer to this “city on the hill”?

 Google the phares “city upon a hill” and find a 20th or 21th century speech which contains that phrase. Write a short paragraph in which you identify the speaker and the occasion. Why did the speaker refer to this “city on the hill”?

 Google the phares “city upon a hill” and find a 20th or 21th century speech which contains that phrase. Write a short paragraph in which you identify the speaker and the occasion. Why did the speaker refer to this “city on the hill”?

 Google the phares “city upon a hill” and find a 20th or 21th century speech which contains that phrase. Write a short paragraph in which you identify the speaker and the occasion. Why did the speaker refer to this “city on the hill”?