
kant famously and conrtoversially-ARGUED THAT some knowledge is synthetic a prior can you explain in your own words that kant might have ment by this and you give an exmple of the sort of knowledge that kant believed possessed this strange status.kant famously and conrtoversially-ARGUED THAT some knowledge is synthetic a prior can you explain in your own words that kant might have ment by this and you give an exmple of the sort of knowledge that kant believed possessed this strange status.kant famously and conrtoversially-ARGUED THAT some knowledge is synthetic a prior can you explain in your own words that kant might have ment by this and you give an exmple of the sort of knowledge that kant believed possessed this strange status.kant famously and conrtoversially-ARGUED THAT some knowledge is synthetic a prior can you explain in your own words that kant might have ment by this and you give an exmple of the sort of knowledge that kant believed possessed this strange status.kant famously and conrtoversially-ARGUED THAT some knowledge is synthetic a prior can you explain in your own words that kant might have ment by this and you give an exmple of the sort of knowledge that kant believed possessed this strange status.kant famously and conrtoversially-ARGUED THAT some knowledge is synthetic a prior can you explain in your own words that kant might have ment by this and you give an exmple of the sort of knowledge that kant believed possessed this strange status.