depth traffic flow theory

Dr. Tawfik CE150L Lab Assignment 6 Zachary Peacock

Previous to any in depth traffic flow theory analysis, it was imperative to check and make sure that all of the data made sence. To do this, first an evaluation of the data itself was necessary. During this evaluation, an error was found in the labling of hours. Near the end of every hour, the time would jump ahead by one hour. After making this adjustment, it was possible to start the theory analysis.

The objective of the analysis is to try and fit the flow data of a four lane highway to Greensheild’s Model. Greensheild’s Model helps to allow for forcasting of jam density, free flow speed, capacity, and maximum flow. A calculation of given flow, and density was necessary to start the model. After these were calculated, a graph of speed versus density was constructed so that a trendline may be fitted. This trendline will be indicative of Greensheild’s linear representation of speed versus density. Then using the trendline’s equation speed, density, and flow can all be calculated in terms of Greensheild’s Model. Once these calculations are complete, graphs of flow versus density and speed versus flow can be constucted. These graphs will show how closely the model matches that of the initial data.

After the graphs have been made, the graphical models do indeed seem to be indicative of the data provided. For the data provided; the jam density is 487.5 vehicles per mile, the maximum flow is 8318.7 vehicles per hour, and the speed at capacity is 34.1 miles per hour. These values were estimated from Greensheild’s Model.