differences in culture and background

This is what I need you to do I am willing to pay you full $27 dollars by tomorrow If you finish it on Thursday! Through MoneyGram I garntee you a full promise due to the fact I am under 18 and I cannot issue an paypal account So I would apperiacte some help here is the information: 

Assignment: Novel Journal Book One – Chapters Seven through Thirteen

“Some memories are realities, and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again.” ~ Willa Cather

Directions: Below is the journal assignment for Book One, Chapters Seven through Thirteen. Complete the journal according to the guidelines and submit it to your teacher. The journal will be scored using the Journal Scoring Rubric.

Journal Guidelines for Book One – Chapters Seven through Thirteen

My Antonia

Paragraph One: Summarize what you have read in Book One, Chapters Seven through Thirteen, of My Antonia. How do the shared experiences of Antonia and Jim begin to show that they have similarities, despite their differences in culture and background?

Paragraph Two: How do the weather and landscape in this part of the book begin to provide the reader with hints and ideas of the characters’ feelings? Use specific quotes that show the author’s point of view. Explain why the quotes you chose demonstrate the message and what you have learned about these ideas.

Paragraph Three: What are some of the symbols you see emerging in the book? How might the author and the time period reflect these symbols? Use this website to help you find information that may be helpful. In addition, what is your personal connection to this part of the book? Have you experienced anything similar? Have you met a person who reminds you of one of the characters? Is there a current event, movie, song, or another book that reminds you of this portion of the novel? In this paragraph, explain these cultural, personal, and author connections.

Format: 12 pt. font, double-spaced. Make sure you have edited carefully for mechanics.



Here is the link for the story : http://www.classicreader.com/book/1050/ 


and here is the rubric I want you to follow : 


Reading: Extending & Understanding

Reading: Text Analysis

Reading: Context Analysis

Writing: Ideas & Content

Writing: Conventions

5-6 (Wow!) Complex Understanding

Demonstrates athorough and
complexunderstanding of the selection and its relationship to the text, experiences, issues or events in history, community or world at large.

The response

demonstrates a thorough convincing analysis and evaluation of the author’s ideas andcraft.

The response

demonstrates a thorough and convincing analysis and evaluation of the ways in which an author’smessage or themes may have been influenced by history, society, culture and life experiences.

Exceptionally clear, focused and interesting. Itholds the reader’sattention
throughout.Main ideas stand out and are developed by strong support andrich
detailssuitable to audience and purpose.

Demonstrates exceptionally strong controlof mechanics using them effectively to enhance.Errors are few and so minor that reader notices them if looking for them.

3-4 (Good) Competent Understanding

Demonstrates astrongunderstanding of the selection and its relationship to the text, experiences, issues or events in history, community or world at large.

The response demonstrates a strongevaluation of the author’s ideas and craft.

The response demonstratesa strong analysis and
evaluation of the ways in which an author’smessage or themes may have been influenced by history, society, culture and life experiences.

The writing isclear, focused and interesting. Itholds the reader’sattention.Main ideas stand out and are developed, with support and details.

Demonstratescontrol of mechanics using them to enhance.Errors are present, but do not impede the reader. them.

1-2) (Emerging) Some Understanding

Demonstratessomeunderstanding of the selection and its relationship to the text, experiences, issues or events in history, community or world at large.

The response demonstratessomeevaluation of the author’s ideas and craft.

The response demonstratessome analysis and evaluation of the ways in which anauthor’s message orthemes may have been influenced by history, society, culture and life experiences.

The writing has someclarity and focus. It mayhold the reader’sattention at times. Main ideas are developed inconsistently and may lack support or details to audience and purpose.

Demonstratessome control of mechanics.Errors begin to impede the reader and detract from message of the journal.