Do some research in your own hometown, or in Los Angeles, or any city where there is a project going on you would like to learn more about.

Follow all 7 steps for this report. This Report must be detailed and direct with the topic of choice.

1. Choose a specific topic that fits within the scope of the class. Think of community development projects like those we’ve looked into in class or have been mentioned in any of the videos we’ve seen. Do some research in your own hometown, or in Los Angeles, or any city where there is a project going on you would like to learn more about.

2. Each paper should be about 5 pages double spaced (not including figures/maps or references).

3. Each report can delve into the history of the problem/ town and how the project aimed to ‘fix” or improve some things in the community. Relate them to some of the concepts or frameworks we have discussed in class

4. Each report should contain at least 2 figures/tables/graphs/maps which helps illustrate and visualize the topic. These should be cited in text or captions.

5. Each report must contain a References/Works Cited section at the end of the report and have in-text citations. You may use any citation format (MLA, APA, etc.) as long as you are consistent throughout. Try to use good sources, unlike Wikipedia. The webpages for the project can be a good start.

6. What do you hope to learn?

7. I will suggest topics of research to follow up on and possible directions for your talk.