Length: 600 words t0 700

Read all of the following articles on the topic of wildlife smuggling. Write an expository essay using the ideas and information in the material provided. It is very important that you write about the topic in your own words and do not copy anything directly from the articles unless you quote the information. If you use quotations or statistics or other specific information from the articles you must acknowledge your source and provide in-text references. You do not need to include a bibliography at the end of the essay.

You must refer only to the ideas and information in the articles. You should not read any additional material for this essay. You should attempt to refer to all of the articles in your essay rather than rely on only one or two articles. You may have more than four body paragraphs in your essay. Use direct and indirect quation

The introduction and conclusion should not contain any reference
For example each paragraph should depend on many items not only on one articles (each paragraph contains information from the different articles)
should just depend on the items no more extra information ( no information from research)
the items :