Guidelines for Political Science

Research Paper Guidelines for Political Science 105, 271, and 330. The research papers for PSCI 105, 271, and 330 will be graded on the basis of the following criteria. (1) the degree to which the paper offers a compelling and convincing argument, in the view of the instructor, (2) the extent to which the paper adheres to the written guidelines specified below, and (3) the quality of writing displayed in the paper. The first criterion, the degree to which the paper offers a compelling and convincing argument will be measured by the paper’s logic, the strength of the evidence it presents, and the quality and quantity of the materials it uses. The second and third criteria will be measured by the degree to which the paper performs the tasks below. 1. Select a topic in the form of a question from the list of approved topics provided. 2. List on page 1, the 5 strongest pros (in sentence form) to your paper’s question. 3. List on page 1, the 5 strongest cons (in sentence form) to your paper’s question. 4. Elaborate and discuss on pages 2-4 key pros and cons identified on page 1. 5.Support your conclusion pro or con, on page 5, and provide a persuasive argument. 6. Your paper must be 5 full pages long. Papers less than 5 pages will lose valuable points. In addition to this, an endnote and bibliography page must be attached to your paper. 7. Endnotes, NOT footnotes or in-text notes must be used. Endnote instructions along with a sample paper are posted on blackboard. Students are encouraged to examine them. 8. A Notes and Bibliography page MUST BE ADDED to your five-page paper. A sample paper will be posted online. Your bibliography (which is distinctly different from your endnotes page) must include at least ten sources. There is no required number of notes. 9. Website information can be found at the end of each chapter of your textbook. 10. Please number and staple your paper’s pages. This is very important. Points will be deducted if pages are not numbered and stapled. 11. Your paper topics must NOT be modified or changed without prior approval. 12. All pages must be type-written and double spaced, using 12 point font. 13. All major writing styles are acceptable but Wikipedia, Webster’s dictionary and long introductions designed to “introduce the subject matter” must be avoided. 14. Good grammar is required throughout your paper. No cover page is needed. 15. Electronic submissions WILL NOT be accepted. Only hard copies will be accepted. 16. All papers must be submitted on time. Late papers will be penalized. 17.Papers submitted after the due date will be automatically penalized 40 points. 18.No papers will be accepted after the final exam has been given. 19.The Instructor bears no responsibility for work allegedly submitted but never received by the Instructor. 20.Students must present logical, well-researched, persuasive and convincing arguments in defense of their position, argument, and conclusions on page 5 of their papers. Paper due dates are posted on blackboard.