habit and instinct

Literature Proctored Exam 986145RR


1. For Sojourner Truth, deciding which parts of scripture came from those who wrote the Bible, and not
from God, depended on
A. her inner witness.
B. the authority of theologians.
C. her feelings about slavery.
D. her mother’s Bible lessons.
2. Regarding the difference between fiction and nonfiction, which statement is most accurate?
A. Nonfiction writers are free to embellish the facts.
B. Writers of nonfiction have no need to express passionate opinion.
C. Nonfiction writers are more often free to move about in time and space.
D. Literary fiction does little except inform and specify.
3. Tecumseh was chief of the
A. Choctaw.
B. Pequot.
C. Shawnee.
D. Pawnee.
4. According to the analyses of the stories you were asked to read, “A Pair of Silk Stockings” best
represents literary
A. allegory.
B. escapism.
C. symbolism.
D. realism.
5. Among early epic poems, _______ is the story of a man who searches out a beloved friend in the land of
the dead.
A. Gilgamesh
B. Beowulf
C. The Iliad
D. The Odyssey

6. When London writes about “what a puppet thing life is,” it reflects the theme summarized in which of
the following statements?
A. Every life is based on habit and instinct.
B. Our lives are lived in response to our predetermined fate.
C. Each life pits mercy against nature.
D. The course of a life is determined by pure chance.
7. Twain’s account of Colonel Rall’s speech (“full of gunpowder and glory”) is contrasted most vividly to
the Marion Ranger’s collective remorse over
A. the shooting of an unarmed rider.
B. the strange affair at “Camp Desolation.”
C. following Captain Lyman into a trap.
D. rebuffing Dunlap’s wise advice.
8. As in Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown,” the autobiographical story of Sojourner Truth is written
on all of these levels, except
A. exterior commentary.
B. interior narrative.
C. social commentary.
D. dramatic narrative.
9. Thoreau’s night in jail for tax delinquency resulted specifically from
A. a decision to act on his belief that least government was best government.
B. having moved his place of residence from Concord to Walden Pond.
C. his revulsion and disgust over the U.S. invasion of Mexico.
D. the publication of his work, Civil Disobedience.
10. An author of a detective novel is most likely to use figurative language to
A. entertain the reader.
B. suggest hidden meanings.
C. mislead the reader.
D. help the reader visualize a character.
11. In Mark Twain’s account of a “campaign that failed,” his satire is aimed at the _______ of making an
adventure appear more glorious than it was.
A. confusion
B. embarrassment
C. tragedy
D. hypocrisy
12. The bond between Buck and Thornton is best explained by observing that
A. dog and man were both in touch with their primordial nature.
B. Buck found Thornton fair and just; Thornton found Buck dependable.

C. dog and man were like mirror opposites.
D. Buck had helped Thornton pay off his debts.
13. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s story, we are very likely to
A. decide that Bernice will never escape her dependent nature.
B. think of both Marjorie and Bernice as painfully naïve.
C. see Marjorie’s personality as shallow.
D. realize that Marjorie is sensitive to Bernice’s feelings.
14. What does the word mimetic tell us about the difference between novels and most of the literature of
the 1800s?
A. Novels present fantasy as reality.
B. Novels were unique in trying to imitate real life.
C. Novels presented common things in new ways.
D. The authors were new and unknown.
15. Read the sentence below:
“After having lived with her for a year, Chad studied Marilou’s eyes across the table, realizing he had never
had a clue about what make her tick.”
This sentence from a hypothetical novel suggests what kind of narrative voice?
A. First person reporting
B. First person participant
C. Third person imaginary
D. Third person restricted omniscience
16. It may be said that great literature embraces ambiguity because
A. we seldom have clues to the motivations of the protagonist.
B. it allows us to interpret a plot in at least two ways.
C. it reflects the uncertainty we face in real-life decisions.
D. little insight is offered into the character or qualities of an antagonist.
17. It’s most accurate to say that interpretative literature
A. is intended to meet the reader’s expectations.
B. weaves exciting action around a standard formula.
C. contains or suggests universal truths.
D. refers to today’s hot topics.
18. In fiction, use of conventions leads to
A. entertainment.
B. expectations.
C. escapism.
D. imagination.End of exam
19. A novel differs from a short story because it
A. is told as a third-person narrative.
B. comprises rising action, a climax, and falling action.
C. is more likely to include subplots.
D. includes a theme.
20. After the death of Curly, Buck concludes that no fair play exists in his world and that he will never go
down in a fight. The theme illustrated here is apparently derived from London’s interpretation of
A. “might makes right.”
B. Nietzsche’s ideas.
C. instincts as ancient memories.
D. the theory of evolution