his leadership of the Roman Catholic

Please compose a 3- page, single spaced essay using 12- point font, on the essay question:

Pope Benedict the 16th (who stepped down in August of 2013, before Pope Francis I), began

his leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, by arguing that relativism is doing great harm

to our society. Persuade the average, but reflective reader, why the Pope is right or wrong on

this issue in a general way (you do not have to know what he actually wrote about it), from a

Christian perspective, using what you know about ethical relativism, Christianity, the Bible,

the biblical concepts of integrity and stewardship, and a theory of ethics. Within the essay,

discuss how relativism affects our ethical thinking, and how Christian ethics would compare

in strengths and weaknesses. Offer persuasive arguments about the value of ethics based on

whether you agree or disagree with the Pope, and why.