Hook and elaborate

Must be in MLA format. At least 3.5 pages. Each topic should be in a seperate paragraph, making 5 with an intro and conclusion.



Hook and elaborate

talk about JD Salinger and The Catcher in the rye

narrow down on themes and motifs

thesis: “jd salinger employs a variety of ….., three are…..”



1st sentence should be restated thesis


Three body paragraphs should be about:

1. Theme:

Alienation as a Form of Self Protection

2. Motif:

Lying and Deception

3. Symbol:

Holden’s Red Hunting Hat


Include 3 pieces of evidence for each body paragraph, via direct quotes and parenthetical citation

ex. (quote from chapter 2)


there should be 2-3 block quotes, in proper MLA format


introduce quote, then give quote, then explain it.


Use sophisticated transitions.