How to Analyze Poetry

English 300OL
“Confession” & “Small Frogs” – Free Verse Poetry Analysis

As stated in our How to Analyze Poetry handout, at the turn of the 20th Century, artists demanded more freedom of expression; in a poetic sense, Modern and Contemporary Poets began to structure language as it suited their own needs. Free Verse poetry lacks a traditional system of measure; however, it is not without a certain sense of form and strategy. Poets began to choose line beginnings and endings to create specific meaning and feeling. Stanza breaks could serve as a device to create tension or to create a natural pause. Poets began to build toward the last line — to move us, startle us, give us sudden insight. Subjectivity increased, and by the 1950s and 60s, Beat, Zen, and Confessionalist Poets turned to a style of emotional autobiography, shifting the role of audience from objective observer to personal confidant.

Consider how style and form creates meaning in this week’s free-verse poems “Confession,” & “Small Frogs”— both poems can be found on our How to Analyze Poetry handout.

For this forum, please consider what makes these poems “contemporary.” Are the themes contemporary? The ability for a poet to express these particular feelings and issues? The format of the poems?  You may refer to the Basic Questions for Rhetorical Analysis from our handout to assist you in your analysis.

Please post an initial response of 500 words.  Kindly post a 3-4 sentence response to five (5) of your peers.  Please be specific, thorough, and POSITIVE in your responses. Make sure you write about both poems!!!

Good luck and have fun!