Interview Questions in Qualitative Research

Interview Questions in Qualitative Research

The ability of qualitative research interview data to answer the research questions is the foundation for validity of the study’s conclusions and applications. Interview questions should be grounded in the literature.

In this assignment, you’ll discuss common considerations to generate reliable conclusions from qualitative research instrumentation.


· Discuss how qualitative researchers ensure that the questions they develop for interviews (individual interviews, focus group interviews, or observation notes) are valid and reliable. Your point of discussion should include reflexivity, researcher’s voice, and confidentiality in qualitative research.

· Discuss the expert panel review procedures at a minimum and discuss how to find and solicit the panel to assist with research.

In about 750 words, write a report including the following:

· The general and common considerations to generate valid and reliable conclusions from qualitative research instrumentation with a rationale.

· A specific expert panel review procedure that you might use for your study with rationale.

Note that your submission should follow AUO academic writing guidelines and APA rules for academic writing and referencing.

Submission Details:

· By Wednesday, March 23, 2016, save your report as a Microsoft Word document. Name it as M4_A1_lastname_firstinitial.doc and submit it to thisDiscussion Area.