irony in Lysistrata

No word count requirement but needs to be in APA.

Question 1

When a writer wants to reveal specific problems the writer has with society, the writer will sometimes use a technique called irony. Review the reading on irony in this unit. Then, find and explain two examples of irony in Lysistrata. In what way is Aristophanes writing satirically about the society at the time? Can that satirical critique be applied to modern society?


  • Irony. (2013). In Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved from
  • Aristophanes. (n.d.). Lysistrata. [e-book version]. Retrieved from

Question 2

Shakespeare is one of the most well known playwrights of all time. Though, reading his work is not without challenge. What would you consider two challenges of reading Shakespeare? Please include a textual example from either Hamlet or another work of Shakespeare to support and explain those two challenges. You should include an in-text citation and corresponding reference for those examples.