King Creole

No oline copy, not same with others!

RESEARCH ON THE WEB – ESSAY: Link Shape-note hymns, the Blues, Bebop and Elvis with Gershwin’s “The Real American Folk Song”. Additionally, in your opinion, what is the “REAL” American folk song, and why did I require you to watch “King Creole”.

This is just part of a great movie. You are required to watch the entire movie.

This is one of the classic Bebop performers and recordings.

These four Sacred Harp songs (‘Fulfillment,’ ‘Praise God,’ ‘I’ll Seek His Blessing,’ ‘Fairfield’) exhibit some of the salient characteristics often associated with this type of singing: a minor mode, primitive-sounding harmonies, and a heavily accented, driving rhythm. Singers are fervent and enthusiastic, and often beat the rhythm with their hands, and sometimes, with feet!

There are a lot of fun High School video’s out there if your interested.