Motivational Strategies Worksheets

For your case studies, read more about each person. They are located in Doc Sharing. Then listen to the case-study recordings concerning their current PA and exercise habits, barriers to fitness and current exercise goals. When you are done, complete the EF310 Unit 04 Motivational Strategies Worksheets

Justin Age 13, 7th grade


Testing Results

Height 5’ 5”, Weight 180 lbs.  (BMI=30, grade 1 obesity)

Fitness Test Results (PCPFS):

Justin completes testing at school each semester and the results of his last test are listed below:

1 mile run – 12:39 (below 50th percentile)

Push-ups – 9 (below 50th percentile)

Pull-ups – 0 (below 50th percentile)

Sit-ups – 15 (below 50th percentile)

Sit & Reach – 14 cm (below 50th percentile)

Skin Fold Results:

Triceps – 17 mm, Calf – 15 mm  (24.5% Fat, 135 lbs LBW, 44 lbs Fat Weight, Moderately High rating, 10%-19.9% is optimal)


Barriers to Activity: Justin struggles with his studies and has been spending extra time with a tutor and doing homework.  The extra time has paid off, and his grades are up to a B average.  Justin’s parents value education, and they will continue to pay for the tutoring time.  The extra study time cuts into Justin’s recreation time.  Justin’s parents do not encourage Justin to get outside to play with his friends.  Because of their busy schedules, they aren’t around much to encourage Justin to be more active.  When they come home from work, they eat fast food, and then plop down in front of the TV to watch reruns of their favorite show, Man vs. Food. 


Current lifestyle and activity habits

Justin loves playing video games.  He and his friends will spend hours in front of their TV’s playing any sports related video game they can get their hands on.  Justin’s parents both work full time jobs to help make ends meet.  Because of their busy schedule, they tend to bring home a lot of fast food.  Nobody in Justin’s house eats very healthy.  He has two older brothers in high school who are both in grade 2 obesity.  Justin’s parents are both obese as well.  Justin just started a home economics class and he is learning how to cook simple healthy meals.  He likes this class and is excited to do more cooking at home. 



He loves sports, especially football.  He played football on his 7th grade team, but didn’t see a lot of playing time because he was slower and weaker than most of the other students on his team.  He would like to improve his body composition and weight to a normal level, and improve his strength so he can start at offensive line on his school’s 8th grade football team next year.  He definitely wants to excel at football through high school, and knows it will take a lot of hard work.  Justin sees how his older brothers have gotten because of their inactivity, and he’s decided that he wants to be healthier.  He just hasn’t done anything yet, and he’s not sure how to get started. 


Medications: none



Parents marked no to all 7 questions on the PAR-Q. 

Justin passed his sports physical to play football in 7th grade, but his doctors did admit that they would like to see Justin improve his health, weight, and activity.