New English Canaan

1637 Thomas Morton New English Canaan

First printing press established at 1638 Massachusetts Bay

Sugar boom in Caribbean leads to 1640s increased importation of slaves

1640 The Bay Psalm Book

The English Civil War begins 1642

1644 Roger Williams The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for Cause of Conscience

1650 Anne Bradstreet The Tenth Muse

First Quakers arrive in Massachusetts 1656

1662 Michael Wigglesworth The Day of Doom

1673 Samuel Sewall The Diary of Samuel Sewall [Cus- toms, Courts, and Courtships]

King Philip’s War erupts between 1675 New Englanders and an alliance of Indian tribes led by Metacomet

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Perkins−Perkins: Selections from American Literature

Part Introduction Exploration and the Colonies

© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2007

History Literature 1682 Mary Rowlandson

Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

Edward Taylor “The Preface”; “Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children”

French Calvinists or Huguenots 1685 escape persecution in France and settle in the English colonies in America

Salem witch trials begin 1692

1693 Cotton Mather The Wonders of the Invisible World

1704– Sarah Kemble Knight 1705 The Journal of Madam Knight

England, Ireland, Scotland, 1707 and Wales unite as Great Britain

1708 Ebenezer Cook The Sot-weed Factor

George I assumes the throne 1714 of England after the death of Queen Anne

Cotton Mather starts smallpox 1720 inoculations

George II begins his reign, which 1727 extends until 1760

1728 William Byrd The History of the Dividing Line

The Great Awakening seizes 1730s– America 1740s

1741 Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

The French and Indian War 1754 – 1763

1756– John Woolman 1772 The Journal of John Woolman

King George III ascends 1760 to the throne of England

Mason-Dixon line surveyed 1763– 1767

The Stamp Act and Quartering 1765 Act further antagonize colonists; the Sons of Liberty, a resistance group, is formed

Exploration and the Colonies 7

Perkins−Perkins: Selections from American Literature

Part Introduction Exploration and the Colonies

© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2007

History Literature British troops arrive in Boston 1768