numerous errors

Research Paper Rubric



Needs Work/Missing


· The paper’s central thesis is readily apparent throughout the paper.

· The paper has a clear thesis but sometimes digresses from it.

· The paper’s thesis is not consistently clear throughout the paper.

Subject Content

· The paper contains a balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports the thesis.

· The paper demonstrates an in-depth analysis of the topic.

· The paper provides reasonable support for the thesis. Additional evidence would have strengthened the thesis.

· The paper contains a general analysis of the topic.

· The paper is missing important/relevant content and/or there are little to no examples to support the thesis.

· The paper contains a vague or no analysis of the topic.


· The paper is arranged logically to support the thesis. Ideas flow smoothly from one to another.

· The reader can follow the line of reasoning.

· The paper is arranged somewhat logically to support the thesis. Ideas occasionally fail to link together.

· The reader is fairly clear about what the writer intends.

· The paper is not logically organized. Ideas fail to make sense together.

· The reader cannot follow the writer’s line of reasoning.


· All the references used are important and are of good/scholarly quality.

· The paper uses a minimum of five reputable and relevant book or article sources and cites them in proper MLA format.

· Most of the references used are important and of good/scholarly quality.

· The paper uses a minimum of five reputable and relevant book or article sources and cites them, although not in proper MLA format.

· Most of the references used are not important and/or are not of good/scholarly quality.

· The paper used less than five book or article sources. They were either not reputable or relevant or cited properly.

Format/ Layout

· The paper closely follows all of the requirements related to format and layout.

· The paper follows most of the requirements related to format and layout.

· The paper poorly follows the requirements related to format and layout.

Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling

· There are few or no errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling.

· There are several minor errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling.

· There are numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling.


200 level REL courses, SH