produce a repor

produce a report for the UN that analyses a geographic topic (global obesity crisis) at a global scale. describe pattern shown and fully explain factors/processes that produce this pattern and evaluate the significance of the topic for people – socially and economically.

– should find at least 1 map clearly showing global pattern of obesity, what patterns are they showing? why does this pattern occur?
– list factors and processes that indicate this pattern, need at least 2. what is a process?
– how do factors/processes actually cause or contribute to obesity?
– how does obesity affect people in different parts of the world socially and economically?
– needs information globally: around the world

Detailed explanation: YES

Specific requirements:
Looking at the maps: what is/are the patterns shown? what pattern words can you use to describe it? (cluster, scarce, concentrated etc)
– what are the factors/processes causing this pattern? how do they do this. are they connected? try drawing different diagrams to show this. what stats have you got about this from different parts of the world? what relevant visuals can you include?
– use of IGCs
– evaluate effects of obesity at global scale. does it affect some people more than others? social effects greater or less than economic effects? are they positive or negative effects? long term or short term? major or minor? what are some specific details to accompany the visuals.
– produce a repor