Prospectus Evaluation Sheet

Dissertation Prospectus Evaluation Sheet (Oestmann, 2011)

Student Name: ______________________________

1. Overarching goal of making an original and substantive contribution to the body of knowledge met: ____Yes ____No Comments:



2. Are the references used to establish the background of the study and resultant problem statement relevant, timely, and analyzed appropriately?

____Yes ____No

Provide one suggestion for improvement:


3. Are the research questions appropriate for the method proposed?

____Yes ____No

Provide 1 suggestion for consideration on revising one or more of the research questions: ____________________________________________________________________________

4. Is the population or sampling method realistic and appropriate?

____Yes ____No

Provide one suggestion for consideration regarding the population or sample: ____________________________________________________________________________

5. Are the data collection procedures detailed and inclusive of ethical considerations? ____Yes ____No

Provide one suggestion for improvement:


6. Is the instrumentation appropriate for the methodology and research questions specified? ____Yes ____No

Provide one suggestion for improvement:


7. Is the data analysis section appropriate and reflects the coding or thematic generation processes required to answer research questions for the methodology specified? ____Yes ____No

Provide one suggestion for improvement: ____________________________________________________________________________

8. Are the number and type of references appropriate to support this prospectus? ____Yes ____No

References required (A minimum of ten references articles related to selected qualitative methodology are required—four guiding dissertations, two required texts, and four related texts.)

Provide one suggestion for improvement: ____________________________________________________________________________

9. Is there anything else you would like to add? ____________________________________________________________________________

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