Research Paper Guidelines

Green Discipleship: Research Paper Guidelines

There are three major components to this paper, each of which must be completed for the paper

to receive credit. The first section will be an analytical section. In this section you will

describe and analyze the environmental problem that you are looking at. The second section

will be an engagement with the religious and moral tradition and what it has to offer with

regard to understanding and responding to the problem. The third section will lay out a strategic

plan for addressing the problem in a meaningful way. These pieces are to be integrated into a

unified final paper. The paper should be about 10-12 pages: typed, double-spaced, 12 point

font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins. A works consulted page should be included, and you

must use a variety of standard academic resources. See the Appendix in our text (page 431-438)

for some practical tips for researching.

The due dates for each part are so that I have an opportunity to give you some feedback on each

section. You may submit a complete draft for each section, or simply a detailed outline (even if

simply a list of researchable questions). The grade will be assigned to the final paper, but the

more complete of a draft you provide, the more helpful the feedback you are likely to receive.

There is an Assignments link in Blackboard where you should submit your papers.

July 6: RP Assignment One: Description and Analysis

In this you want to describe the environmental problem that you are looking at. Research

directed toward analyzing the problem from a variety of perspectives. Develop a list of initial

questions that you want to see answered as you begin your research. As you do so make sure to

list any additional questions that arise and explore these as well. Maintain an annotated

bibliography as you do your research.

What is the scope of the problem? What are its social, economic, political, and cultural

dimensions? What might be possible ways to address it? What factors need to be addressed in

order to bring about a just transformation? “Why is this happening?” should be a guiding

question. Another would be: “who benefits from the status quo?”

July 13: RP Assignment Two: Engagement with the Religious and Moral Tradition

In this section you will formulate what you believe are the aspects of justice (and just responses)

that need to be considered under your topic. What resources can you bring from the Christian

religious tradition (perhaps in dialogue with other traditions)? In what ways might the biblical

writings help you address this issue? What principles of Catholic Social Teaching might apply?

How might these ideas challenge one to think differently about the issue? About what is

considered a priority? Does the religious witness challenge our assumptions in any way? This

section should culminate in a social justice statement of why, from the perspective of justice, it is

necessary to address this concern.

July 20: RP Assignment Three: Strategic Plan

Develop an action plan for addressing this issue in some meaningful way. What concrete,

specific actions can you do as a result of what you have learned? This could include your Vision

(for what are you working), your Goals (the specific outcome/s you plan to achieve to move

closer to your vision), your Strategy (what you believe you and any groups you might work with

will need to accomplish in the process of getting to your goals) , and your Tactics (how you will

implement your strategies, including what particular role/s you will carry in order to get there).

See below: “Action Roles for Social Transformation”.

July 27, 2016: RP: Final Paper

Research Paper presenting a unified presentation of the preceding material along with your

works cited/consulted page. This means you will likely need to rework the material a bit in

order to give it unity and coherence.

Possible Topics: You are not limited to these, but check with me if choosing another topic.

 Examine the environmental impacts of our food systems

 The World Water Crisis

 The effects of War on the Environment

 Environmental Impact of Mining or energy extraction

 Rainforest Deforestation

 Global Fisheries Depletion

 Environmental issues tied to energy use

Action Roles for Social Transformation

1) Study and teaching from the perspective of the least, the lost, and the left out (whose voices

are missing?)

2) Building the new value system

3) Choosing our lifestyles in light of what a just and sustainable world requires

4) Initiating and nurturing alternatives to present structures

5) Transform existing infrastructures from within

6) Strategizing and organizing political action for change

7) Standing in opposition to all that goes in the wrong direction

8) Living out of an integrated Kingdom/Kindom spirituality