Review of a reading/performance: you will attend one public reading or performance of your choice (I went to one performance, and I took a short video. See specific information below). You will write a 4 page review of the performance, explaining who read and what they read, contextualizing their work, and evaluating the differences between the performance and the written text.

Review of a reading/performance: you will attend one public reading or performance of your choice (I went to one performance, and I took a short video. See specific information below). You will write a 4 page review of the performance, explaining who read and what they read, contextualizing their work, and evaluating the differences between the performance and the written text.

Intro page: what was it? Where? Who was there?Etc.

2 paragraphs: talk about event itself.

More background on writer.

What did they read (or did they)

Analysis: what was your assignment.

2-3 paragraphs: compare to written text.

Describe the work (tone, style, genre) –quote specific passages

2 paragraphs: assess + conclude

Information about Hugo Event:

Feb. 23: 7-9pm, Washington Hall (153 14th Ave., Seattle), Ruth Ozeki. No student tickets. $15 for all:

Part of event video link:

Basically, Ruth Ozeki use journal to her writing. The event talk about her writing a lot and open questions to audience and she answered their questions. You must open the video link above; I just took few minutes video from second floor at Washington Hall. But you can use your imagination for open question and writer’s answer if you need to write that in paper.