root meaning

Please  cite from …….Albl, Martin C. Reason, Faith, and Tradition: Explorations in Catholic Theology. Winona: Anselm Academic, 2009. Print.


1. What is the significanc

Please  cite from …….Albl, Martin C. Reason, Faith, and Tradition: Explorations in Catholic Theology. Winona: Anselm Academic, 2009. Print.


1. What is the significance of the r

Please  cite from …….Albl, Martin C. Reason, Faith, and Tradition: Explorations in Catholic Theology. Winona: Anselm Academic, 2009. Print.


1. What is the significance of the root meaning of the Greek word ekklesia for the Second Vatican Council’s teaching on the nature of the Church?


2.What does Lumen Gentium mean when it says that the Church is necessary for salvation?


3.  In what sense is the Church a sacrament?

oot meaning of the Greek word ekklesia for the Second Vatican Council’s teaching on the nature of the Church?


2.What does Lumen Gentium mean when it says that the Church is necessary for salvation?


3.  In what sense is the Church a sacrament?

e of the root meaning of the Greek word ekklesia for the Second Vatican Council’s teaching on the nature of the Church?


2.What does Lumen Gentium mean when it says that the Church is necessary for salvation?


3.  In what sense is the Church a sacrament?