showcase three African-American singer/songwriters who have contributed to the music business with their art form, musical talent, and singing/lyrical talent.

Essay Objective:

Your main objective within this essay is to showcase three African-American singer/songwriters who have contributed to the music business with their art form, musical talent, and singing/lyrical talent.  Show how the music is an expression of rebellion, promoting racial unity, and empowering black people.

You are required to juxtapose classic artists with new artists, such as Billie Holiday and Beyonce, or Robert Johnson or Miles Davis and Jay-Z or John Legend. You must showcase the contributions chronologically from the Jazz and Blues Scene to the R&B and Soul Scene to the Rap and Hip Hop Scene.

The analysis should span from the 1920s to the 1960s to the 1980s to today. Investigate different musical eras.

Remember that singers are “storytellers” and have a message to get across to the listener, similar to a writer.

You must provide brief background on the artist, as well as investigating 1-2 songs that have made a significant impact on the global audience and market.

Songs are similar to poetry, so you will have to cite the line numbers and place slashes / – after each line.  Like so: (lines 6-7)  “My love is a red / red rose” (lines 1-2)

You will need to use the Internet to provide textual support and resources.

If you make a playlist on or supply your link at the end of your paper, you will receive extra credit.  Copy the link!


Mandatory: MLA Header and Title; Works Cited page; Hard Copy; Submission