The Beginnings of Theatre

1. Read the assigned portion from Theatrical Worlds

2. Watch the video “The Beginnings of Theatre”. (Note – this video is close-captioned, but is missing punctuation. Please notify me if you require a written transcript due to a documented disability.)

2. By Wednesday @ 11:59 pm, post your answer to this question: “What is the difference between ritual and theatre?” Remember that you will not be able to see any other postings until you make your initial post.

3. In your answer, reference the video and also some material from your weekly reading.

4. Return to the discussion board after Wednesday @ 11:59 to read your classmates’ postings. By Sunday @ 11:59 pm, respond substantively to at least one posting there. Engage in a conversation, don’t just say you agree.

Assignment Expectations:

1. Use proper grammar and correct spelling.

2. In your initial post, directly reference something you have read and something you viewed in the learning unit being covered.

3. In your responses, always be respectful to others.

4. Do not simply say “I agree” or “I disagree” when responding. Really dig into what another student’s comment is and try to add a new insight for the other student.


1. Do use your best writing – this is one of the primary bases for grading this assignment.

2. Do not copy what other people have said. Write your own responses.

3. Avoid one-word or one-sentence responses to other students.

4. View the rubric for more details regarding the assessment of this assignment.

5. Please note that you will not see any other threads until after you publish a new thread.

6. In your answer, reference the video and also some material from your weekly reading.