the data collection procedure

Reading Research Literature #2

(3 Pages)

Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Click Save as and save the file with your last name and assignment, e.g.,NR439_RRL2_Smith. The guidelines and grading rubric for this assignment may be found in Doc Sharing.

Title: RRL#2

Name: [replace this text with your name]

The following questions pertain to: Sanford, J., Townsend-Rocchicciolli,J., Horigan, A., & Hall, P. (2011). A process of decision making by caregivers of family members with heart failure. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 25(1), 55–70.

• What methods were put in place to ensure that the subjects were giving true informed consent?

• What was the setting for the study?

• Was the sample adequate for the research design that was selected?

• Describe the data collection procedure.

• What did the authors say about the reliability and validity of their data collection and analysis?

• What demographic information was reported?

• What were the variables that were studied?

• How were the data analyzed after collection? Was there any special software used?

• Discuss the use of any figures, graphs, and tables. Was the information conveyed in an understandable and meaningful way?

• Discuss the authors’ conclusions. Do you feel these conclusions are based on the data that they collected?

The following questions pertain to: Schwarz, K., Mion, P., Hudock, D., & Litman, G. (2008). Telemonitoring of heart failure patients and their caregivers: A pilot randomized controlled study. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 23(1), 18–26.

• What methods were put in place to ensure that the subjects were giving true informed consent?

• What was the setting for the study?

• Was the sample adequate for the research design that was selected?

• Describe the data collection procedure.

• How did the authors address the reliability and validity of their data collection and analysis of the instruments used?

• What limitations did the authors face in data collection? How could these have been lessened or minimized?

• What demographic information was reported by the authors?

• What were the variables that were studied?

• Were there any inferential tests used in the analysis of data in this study? If so, what were they?

• Discuss the use of any figures, graphs, and tables. Was the information conveyed in an understandable and meaningful way?