the Kaczynski dilemma

Reply to Taylor’s Case

Choose and respond to one of the following questions:

Question A

Imagine Stanley and Steinhardt had the opportunity to reply to Taylor’s case. Compose that reply. Note: This prompt requires that you are able to summarize Taylor’s reasoning and point to particular disagreements, then articulate reasons to reject some of Taylor’s support.

Question B

We see both benefits and deleterious effects of development in these readings. Take one example discussed by the authors and, using the moral concepts discussed last week, provide an argument concerning our interacting with or restricting use of a particular technolog


second assignment

Techno-Pessimism vs Techno-Optimism and Enhancement

Choose and respond to one of the following questions:

Question A

Contrast Joy and Kurzweil’s techno-pessimism and techno-optimism. How would Kurzweil respond to the Kaczynski dilemma (this will require you to articulate and evaluate the dilemma)?

Question B

Concerning enhancement, is there a value to “natural human engagement” with the world? Why or why not? If you answer in the affirmative, is that position compatible with the views of the society and technology articulated in earlier readings? If you answer in the negative, how would articulate the problem with things like steroid use, which are widely regarded as wrong?