The visual image

e.e cummings

Cummings, e.e. “Cummings’s l[a. (analysis of an e.e. cummings poem).” The Explicator 54.n3 (Spring 1996): 171(3). Expanded Academic ASAP. Thomson Gale. NAUGATUCK VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE. 25 May. 2007
The visual image of e.e. cummings’s ‘l[a’ complements the structure and theme of the poem. The separation of l from the rest of the letters that make up the word loneliness as well as the solitary image conveyed by a single, falling leaf connote his message of sadness. Cumming’s decision not to divide the letters of one in support of the separated l, which could also be interpreted as identical to the numeral 1, drives home his theme.