The White family unit most often serves as the emotional anchor that grounds the movie. Consistent goal is the reunification or continued preservation of the core family unit.

1. 1) The


While seldom seen working, mentioning or

speaking about money, this character always

seems to have plenty of it at their disposal.

2. 2) The


The White family unit most often serves as the

emotional anchor that grounds the movie.

Consistent goal is the reunification or continued

preservation of the core family unit.

3. 3) The Hero Is almost always personified by a White male

and enjoys a status elevated far above your

run-of-the-mill protagonist.

Such a character frequently shoulders the

“White Man’s Burden” to save the world

4. 4) The


Inherently knowledgeable about anything and

everything. Built upon the assumption that the

character is, in fact, correct – and is almost

always validated by truth or facts.

Has the ability to “master” the “culture” of

others, often benefitting both the character and

the cultural “inhabitants.”

5. 5) The


The ability of a White character to reject their

circumstances at face value and manipulate or

change them to fit their personal needs.

6. 6) The


The White male protagonist often “gets the girl”

at the movie’s conclusion as a “trophy” for his


7. Action and

Adventure –



If a minority character takes the lead in such a

film, they are typically surrounded by White

characters in order to soften the larger

connective switch that majority White

audiences must make.

8. anchor the moral, political, and social orientation of a

character around which events in the movie


9. Audience


Nobody wants to take the blame for this

marginalization, but the one place we can

really see it is at the box office.

Ultimately, the audience is free to do what it

wants. It is unlikely anyone is taking time to be

“racist” when picking a film to watch.