Topic: journey in Tennyson poetry The research should be specific not general. And talk about Tension literature and what the effect .in the students. The condition and the correct way is explaining down below . Should be two steps :

Topic: journey in Tennyson poetry

The research should be specific not general.

And talk about Tension literature and what the effect .in the students.

The condition and the correct way is explaining down below .

Should be two steps :

First: Thesis statement.

Second : first draft from the research following the roles in the table below.

After that I will send it to my doctor ,if there is any comment you will modify it.

I hope you understand me and the way of my research, and I hope you read carefully the roles down below

Thanks a lot.

My topic research will be about (Function of model Auxiliary verbs ).

The line (12)

The kind of the line is (Times new Roman)

The distance between the lines (1,5)

The Title of every paragraph is( 12 and black)

The count of the words are  (2000)word.

The roles (must you follow):

Referencing:   Double check that you have good citation of references both in your text and in the reference list. This applies to every work you

submit to your supervisor (i.e. thesis statement, first and final drafts).  Make sure to COMPLETELY AVOID PLAGIARISM. There are two kinds of plagiarism:  A. Copying others’ work without citation (e.g. copying from a website and not mentioning that website in-text and/or in the reference list). B. Copying others’ words as if they are yours. This is when you cite the reference you quoted directly from and fail to use direct quotation: (use quotation marks if the quoted text is fewer than 40 words and an in-dented paragraph if the quoted text is more than 40 words). Please note that it is not acceptable to have all of your literature review section quoted directly.  Every reference you use MUST be cited twice:

(1) In the text (e.g. in the literature review section). This can be done in two ways:  a. When copying the words of other authors, the reference is cited within the paragraph you are quoting from, right after you use quotation marks, for example: “Knowledge is fundamental” Hardy, 2002, pp. 23-45. b. When reporting the words of others in your own words, the reference is cited within the paragraph, for example:  Hardy (2002) suggests that knowledge is essential. Or In his book The Importance of Knowledge, Hardy (2002) showed how knowledge is very important.  (2) In the reference list at the end of your submitted work. Refer to the instructions for creating a reference list at the end of section (7) below.

7- Your first draft MUST INCLUDE ALL of the following sections:  A. Title     H. Research Methodology  B. Table of Contents    I. Ethical Consideration (Only if you are collecting   C. Abstract        data from participants. Not required for all topics.) D. Introduction    J. Limitations of the study E. Literature review    K. Expected Results F. Significance of Research   L. References G. Research Question    M. Appendix (Only if needed. See below.) Here is a brief description of each of these sections:  A. Title Write the title of your research proposal on the first page (cover page) with your name and academic num-ber. The title needs to be specific. For example: Language Acquisition is general Language Acquisition in Saudi Arabia is still general Using X to Improve Reading Skills of Saudi Students at the Elementary Stage (a study on students at Y school in Z city) is acceptable because it is a specific title. B. Table of Contents Add a table of contents on the second page that shows each of the sections below with the page number of each section.

Table of contents.













Literature review



Significance of Research



Research Questions



Research Methodology



Ethical Considerations



Limitations of the study



Expected Results





