Two opposing parental figures

Please choose ONE of the topics listed below and develop it as a 500-to-750-word critical commentary. References to academic sources are welcome, but not mandatory. However, you are required to formulate and develop a critical thesis statement, rather than simply express your personal impressions about a certain work.

An inadequate thesis statement: “Mr./Ms. X is a parental figure in ‘The Ugly Little Boy.’

An acceptable thesis statement: “Two opposing parental figures in ‘The Ugly Little Boy’ together represent the range of human emotions in the face of … ” [fill in the blank]

Critical Topics:

Parental figures in “The Ugly Little Boy,” by Isaac Asimov

Flawed Creator vs. flawed Creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Nature and the self in “I Am,” by John Clare

Madness and monstrosity in “The Telltale Heart,” by Edgar Allan Poe

Submission Rules:

Formal objective language is required (no contractions, no use of the subject pronouns “I” and “you,” no colloquial phrases). Your response should be scrupulously edited for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 35% of your mark for this assignment will be determined by grammar.

All submissions will be thoroughly checked for plagiarism. Submissions that contain any form/degree of plagiarism will receive a zero, with no chances of re-submission.