UNICEF Child Survival

Learning Resources

Required Resources

Note: Be sure to complete this module’s Discussion before reviewing the Learning Resources.

Children’s Poor Health and Hygiene

  • Video: “U.N. Plans to Vaccinate 20m African Children in One Month”
    This video clip can also be found on youtube.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvSchGbLs0M
  • Video: “Where is the Outrage?”
    Note: You are not being asked to donate to this organization.


  • Web Article: “Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty”
  • Web Article: “Poverty Poisons the Brain”

    Note: This article is written as an opinion piece.

  • Video: “Child Poverty in America”


  • Web Article: “Global Food Crisis”
  • Video: “Food Crisis Ravages India’s Poorest Children”
  • Web Article: “Hunger a Growing Problem in America, USDA Reports”
  • Web Article: “Hunger and Poverty Statistics”

Optional Resources

  • Web Article: “State of the World’s Children Executive Summary”
  • Web Article: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Web Article: “Millennium Development Goals”

Sharing Your Point of View

As you learned in the course introduction, in the next 12 weeks you will take a global perspective on threats to children’s well-being and interventions that can support healthy and productive lives and a more integrated and equitable world.

As you begin this week, pause to analyze and discuss one view of “living in a diverse world” and how it can apply to your work with young children and their families as well as your thinking as you move through this course.


To prepare for the Discussion, read the following quote:


If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place.
—Margaret Mead, Anthropologist, 1901–1978


As you reflect on this point of view—and drawing on your current knowledge of child development—consider:

  • What do Margaret Mead’s words mean to you?
  • In your own words, how would explain the goal and the challenge in this quote?
  • What ideas, insights, and/or misconceptions with regard to living in a diverse world does this quote bring to mind for you?
  • How does this quote relate to and/or how can it inspire your work with young children and families?
  • lThinking about when Margaret Mead lived and worked, how do you view this quote from the vantage point of today?


With Margaret Mead’s words and your own thoughts in mind, follow the instructions below for this Discussion.


By Day 3 of Week 1:


Post your response to the following:

  • A brief summary of your responses to at least four of the questions above