University Service-Learning



University Service-Learning

Critical Reflection

Tatum, B. D. (1997). Defining Racism: Can We Talk? In Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? (pp. 3-17). New York, NY: Basic Books.

This chapter is from a book about the development of racial identity. The chapter is designed by the author to define the term racism and differentiate between racism and prejudice, with a focus on how systems of oppression function in the world. We will discuss the material here in regard to how racism and other forms of oppression are part of a system of social injustices. Read and respond; each response should be between 150-500 words.

Use the information in the articles, content from class, and your personal reflections of the material to craft your responses. As always, quoted text and links to citations do not count towards the question’s word requirements, and PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD.

1. Definition of Racism

a. Tatum cites David Wellman’s definition of racism – “a system of advantage based on race”. Describe and name elements of this “system” and what advantages it confers on those who benefit.

b. Describe an incident that you or someone else has experienced that you would consider racist. What are some of the advantages and/or privilege that one party had?

2. Consider the social groups that define you, as well as the theory of internalized oppression.

a. Describe an instance or particular way in which you have been oppressed due to your membership in one of these social identities. Who was the oppressor(s)? How do you think they may have benefitted from the situation?

b. Describe an instance or particular way in which you have experienced privilege due to your membership in this or another social identity with which you identify. Who may have been oppressed due to your actions?

3. In what ways do Whites in America, as defined by the author, benefit from racism? Describe a situation in which YOU have benefitted from or been disadvantaged by, intentionally or unintentionally, your race. How might this privilege or disadvantage been affected by another of your social identities? (class, gender, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship, etc.)

4. How does Tatum distinguish between active racism and passive racism? What examples does she present to illustrate the two kinds of racism and the distinctions between them? What examples of each can you cite from your observation and experience? How do you usually respond to the two kinds?

5. Aside from race, give examples of other discrimination towards marginalized populations that you have witnessed or experienced in society. Which of these do you think may affect the population that you are serving, and how?