workplace and academic

WRTG 293 is an interesting course because the learning outcomes focus on two types of professional writing — workplace and academic. In this class, we make the connection by having you write a Research Paper about a workplace topic.

Although the topic is workplace related, you have the opportunity to review APA because in our workplace scenario, the recipient of the workplace report wants the employee to format it according to the APA guidelines because the recipient is enrolled in an MBA course and must publish an article in the APA format. This is a logical scenario.

APA is one difference between workplace and academic writing, but let’s analyze some other differences now because next week we start working on the APA-formatted Research Paper. What are some differences between workplace and academic writing?

Complete the following steps:

Step 1: Think about the differences between workplace writing and academic writing.

Step 2: Find a one-paragraph sample of workplace writing from a textbook, a letter you received from an organization, a memo you found on the Internet, etc. Refrain from using samples from your own past or current jobs because you may violate a confidentiality agreement.

Step 3: Find a one-paragraph sample of academic writing from a textbook, an essay you wrote, a school report you found on the Internet, etc.

Step 4: Compare and contrast the two documents to analyze specific differences in writing style, content, audience, and purpose. Be concrete and specific and use at least one direct quote from each of the writing samples to illustrate differences between academic and workplace writing. Consider the stakeholders and their agendas when you analyze the writing samples. (Due Date: Thursday for the Original Post)

Step 5: Read the responses of the other students and respond to one person by Saturday. Try to respond to a post that has not been addressed or respond with a different perspective so that our discussion is not repetitive. (Due Date: Saturday for the Follow-Up Post)