a broader conversatio

Assignment 3: Personal Learning Network Development

Development of Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) will be covered in Week 2 as part of a broader conversation including personal learning environments (PLEs) and personal web tools (PWTs). This assignment will be ongoing over the course of the semester and will culminate in a 30-40 minute class presentation (with discussion) in Week 15. All Candidates are required to attend presentations and complete an evaluation of each presenter using the template provided. Criterion include:

Social Media Strategy………………………… 15 pts

Contributions to Community………………. 20 pts

Information Management/Curation…………. 20 pts

Connections…………………………………… 15 pts

Presentation……………………………………. 30 pts

I have 2 example  about that if you want 

My topic about twitter

Make it on  power point.  It is just power point 11 slid or 12 it is not much 

The first example 


second example attached