Appendix A

Appendix A

Survey Instrument and Informed Consent


I am: _____a teacher _____a student

Definition: Bullying is an unwanted, repetitive and perceived power imbalance. It can involve exclusion, threats, physical harm, mocking, theft, rumor spread, extortion, or use of unkind gestures.

Please circle your response to items 1-6

1. I have seen bullying at school within the past month.



2. If you reported bullying incidents at school, did you feel your concerns were taken seriously by the school administration?



3. Students enjoyed the read aloud book, Blubber, about students who bully, are bullied or witness bullying.

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

4. Students acquired important information from the discussion of the bullying book chaired by their teacher.

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

5. The lessons taught by the school counselor on bullying have been helpful.

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

6. Please discuss what you think a student should do when he or she is bullied or witnesses another student being bullied. Use the back of this page for your response.

Thank you very much for participating in this survey project!

Informed consent

Bullying remains one of the biggest problems found in primary schools. We have all heard about bullying and its influence on students as a way of alleviating pain. The objective of this study will be to compare students’ and teachers’ views of selected aspects of bullying. Taking part in this survey will help us evaluate current practices and make schools safe places for our children.

Your name must not appear in the survey instrument for anonymity purpose. In addition, your responses will be treated confidentially. We value all information and encourage you to take your time to complete all the listed items. No one is forced to participate in the study. You are free to stop at any stage if you feel uncomfortable. This is a right and refusing to participate or withdrawing at any stage will not demoralize the researcher.

I have had a chance to ask questions about the research and all procedures and now grant my consent to participate.

___________________________ ________________

(Subject’s signature) (Date)

___________________________ ________________

(Witness’ signature) (Date)

___________________________ ________________

(Parent’s signature for minor) (Date)

Rubric for Papers: Qualitative, Review of Literature, Proposal, and Final Paper

(Modified from:

A – Exemplary: 90-100 percent Name __Helms_____________

B – Proficient: 80-89 percent Topic _Proposal_______________

C – Passing: 70-79 percent Score _90%X125pts=113_______________




Unacceptable (no points)


Research & documentation

Relevant scholarly sources showing extensive research; little reliance on online resources skillfully incorporated into paper. APA format. 40 %

Scholarly sources good, but online resource(s) weak; sources appropriately referenced in paper. Several departures from APA . 30-35 %

Still some misplaced citations.

Any one: Weak references; spotty documentation of facts; too much use of direct quotations. APA not used.


Analysis & argument

Narrow, focused topic with clear and persuasive argument supported by facts that are carefully chosen and weighed; evidence of sophisticated understanding of context. 40%

Clear thesis; good argument well supported by cited facts; sensitive to historical context. 30-35 %

How will students take the survey (in procedures)? Other than that, concepts were good.

Any one: Topic much too broad or marginally related to course; thesis not clear; paper organized by chronology rather than logical subtopics; logical and factual errors; problems with context.


Grammar & style

Essentially free of grammatical errors; concise introduction; well organized and supported argument; logically supported conclusion. Spell-check used. 10 %

Up to two grammatical errors; distinct introduction, though ideas not entirely clear; organization and examples appropriate; weaker conclusion.. Spell-check used. 7-9 %Wording selection often problematic. Huge run-on sentence on page 9. Spelling and punctuation problems.

Any one: Over three spelling or grammatical errors; introduction or organization weak; conclusion weak; pattern of little coherence in organization or understanding. Or spell-check not used.


Format & submission

MS Word, formatted according to text guidelines with no errors; digital submission proper, not by email. Title page appropriate. 10%

MS Word, formatted according to text guidelines with few errors; proper digital submission. Title page appropriate.7-9 %

Any one: Three or more formatting errors; filename vague or misleading; email submission; elements missing; MS Word not used, no title page.


*Points are obtained by multiplying the total percentage in the right-hand column by the total points available for the writing assignment.