
Please read the story first, it is the only source for this assignment

For the Homework Assignment

· Keep in mind that according to Morse Peckham, The Negative Romantic experiences “a period of doubt, of despair, of religious and social isolation, of the separation of reason and the creative power.” Morse Peckham also writes, “The typical symbols of negative romanticism are individuals who are filled with guilt, despair, and cosmic and social alienation. They are often presented, for instance, as having committed some horrible and unmentionable crime in the past. They are outcasts from men and from God, and they are almost always wanderers on the face of the earth” (qtd. In Eberhard Alsen).

· Robert Hume suggests that these traits define Negative Romanticism

· “(1) doubt, despair, and personal and religious alienation;

· (2)the exploration of dilemma, ugliness, and perversion;

· (3)the fascination with evil and pain;

· (4)disbelief in love and human compassion.”

· (From The New Romanticism: A Collection of Critical Essays edited by Ebhard Alsen)

· Look above for the theories of G.R. Thompson.

Your Task for the Homework Assignment

· Explain how “Rappacini’s Daughter” reflects Negative Romanticism.

· When you are done with the above question, think about your final thoughts on Hawthorne. Ultimately, does Hawthorne seem to embrace Negative Romanticism or does he seem to criticize or question it? What perception about the meaning of existence does he seem to hold?

· Mention Morse Peckham, Robert Hume and or GR Thompson in your analysis. Refer to specific explanations from at least one or all of these theorists.

· Refer to at least three quotes from the short story.

· Rely on your own thinking and analysis.

· In a class of twenty two students, I am expecting twenty two different interpretations.

· Come up with your own original ideas.

Grading Rubric for the Homework Assignment:

· The following will positively affect the students’ performance:

· Academic Effort: It is clear that the student has read the assigned texts from start to finish.

· Content: The student has covered the overall themes of the reading being studied and the student also refers to specific quotes from various parts of the readings. Comments and quotes are not just limited to the beginning only or to one part of the reading only.

· Content: The student has thoroughly answered the questions for this homework assignment.

· Content: The student presented his or her own unique understanding of the literature. The student’s analysis was his or her own and did not rely on summaries or analysis from the internet or other sources. The student took complete ownership of understanding the literature on his or her own terms.

Content, support, and analysis

· Comments reveal deep understanding of the material.

· Comments reveal a skillful application of theoretical ideas to the reading.

· The student has revealed his or her clear understanding of the material by providing adequate and solid references from the readings or other materials. In other words, the student has quoted at least three different sentences or important ideas and has summarized other segments of the narrative.

· The student has referred to ideas presented by the theorists