. Be sure to address how they might exemplify their respective time period and what inferences we can draw about their time. How are these heroes/heroines the same or different? Which hero/heroine appeals most to you? Why?

Characterize the four or five types of heroes/heroines (Ancient Greek, Roman Republic, Roman Empire, and Christian). Be sure to address how they might exemplify their respective time period and what inferences we can draw about their time. How are these heroes/heroines the same or different? Which hero/heroine appeals most to you? Why?

Read over the section and then, in four or five sentences, tell the reader what is in the section. Do not quote, but instead paraphrase in your own words. Number the pages and list each section heading.

What to do: As a .docx or .pdf file, type up summaries of the subsections of three chapters that have been assigned. You pick the chapters to summarize. The subsections are listed with a blue colored heading, such as “Uniification and Centralization: The Worlds of Qin and Han” on p. 189. There are three blue headings to the section listed in red as “China’s First Empires: The Qin and Han Dynasties.” I counted about seven headings for this chapter, chapter 6.
Type up your summaries of the section, but don’t just write the first four points you read. Read over the section and then, in four or five sentences, tell the reader what is in the section. Do not quote, but instead paraphrase in your own words. Number the pages and list each section heading.

Discuss the changing state of religion in Europe from the Treaty of Augsburg up through the French Revolution? Divide your answer into at least three discrete periods of time.

Answer 12 of the following 20 questions in 3 or 4 sentences, identifying: who, where, when, what and, most importantly, its historical significance

  1. Condorcet. 11. Charles II (England)
  2. Abbé Sieyés 12. Peter the Great
  3. John Wilkes 13. Huguenots
  4. Robespierre 14. Whigs.
  5. Olympe de Gouges 15. Henry IV.
  6. Louis XIV . 16. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  7. Francis Bacon . 17. Frederick II (Prussia).
  8. John Locke .                       18. Maria Theresa.
  9. Catherine the Great 19. Peter the Great.
  10. National Assembly 20. Vendée.

Written essay answers for two of the following five questions.  Your answers should be a little more than two pages long, containing several paragraphs and cite events and institutions to support the argument you are making.


  1. Discuss the changing state of religion in Europe from the Treaty of Augsburg up through the French Revolution? Divide your answer into at least three discrete periods of time.


  1. Compare England and France during the 16th-18th centuries in respect to politics, society and economy.
  2. What contributions did the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment make to subsequent European history.


  1. Find the Declaration of the Rights of Man document on Blackboard. Write an analysis of it, or compare it to the Declaration of the Rights of Women also found there. Or analyze any of the other documents on women’s rights in that file.


  1. Discuss the types of government found in Europe between 1648 and 1815. Describe in detail at least two governments that you found particularly successful

As an 18-year-old male high school senior, are you eager or fearful of going to war? As an 18-year-old female high school senior, are you eager or fearful of going into the wartime factories? As a tax paying citizen, prior to November 1941, is the crisis in Europe something that the U.S. should join, or should the U.S. remain isolated? (Use a perspective from no later than November 1941.)


Unit V Essay

The list below includes some provocative discussions related to the events in this unit’s reading. Choose one of the five topics to write about. Compose a one-page essay in which you will take a first-person perspective of the situation, describe the debate in your own words, and provide a justified and academically defended argument for one side or the other. The essay will need to reflect your understanding of the time period to avoid being anachronistic, and your argument must relate to one of the viable outcomes from that time.

  • As a multi-generational American citizen, in the wake of Pearl Harbor, do you support the internment of your Japanese neighbors?
  • As an 18-year-old male high school senior, are you eager or fearful of going to war?
  • As an 18-year-old female high school senior, are you eager or fearful of going into the wartime factories?
  • As a tax paying citizen, prior to November 1941, is the crisis in Europe something that the U.S. should join, or should the U.S. remain isolated? (Use a perspective from no later than November 1941.)
  • You are an important congressperson. How do policies and economics that are in place at the end of the war impact America’s position in the world?

In addition to the topic you selected from the list above, you must consider the influence of the below factors and conditions, which are relevant to all the topics above, and provide historical detail relevant to your topic:

  • perceptions or impacts of limitations on and advocacy for civil rights,
  • influence by propaganda or stereotypes, · impacts of international events or crises,
  • impacts of economic conditions, and
  • effects on the U.S. isolationist policies. As this is a point of view essay, a modern perspective will not accurately address what the question is asking for.

You are required to use a minimum of two reputable sources, which must be cited and referenced, only one of which can be an assigned or provided text or source. It is strongly suggested that the one selection is from the America: History and Life with Full Text database located within the CSU Online Library. Inappropriate resources or failure to use resources that are HY 1120, American History II 5 available in the CSU Online Library can lead to deductions. All sources used, including textbooks, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

What is political, social, religious affiliation of the source? 2) How does this mesh with the subject itself? 3) What did the source have to gain by presenting the subject matter in the particular tenor chosen?

The Object of the Final Paper is to provide the history of the subject chosen by the student as well as to analyze the veracity/ reliability of the sources used to provide that history. The subject must be a Western subject before 1600 C.E.

Once the student has chosen the topic of the final paper, the student should select at least one primary source, two scholarly secondary sources (like the Oxford Classical Dictionary on reserve in the CCBC Library) and two scholarly journal articles from the CCBC library research database (like JSTOR or ProQuest History Research.) More sources are acceptable and encouraged. As a reminder* Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly cite and you will lose points if you use it. Use only scholarly works/ websites. See me if you have questions, or are unsure of a source. Additionally, you may use your CCBC ID card to check out books form the UMBC library. This should provide you with plenty of primary and secondary sources for your chosen topic. Formulate your annotated bibliography as you are reading and reviewing your sources. Instructions follow below. Once the student has familiarized themselves with the topic, and has a full grasp of the subject matter, the student should then begin to question the sources used. Ask the following questions of the sources:

  • 1)  What is political, social, religious affiliation of the source?
  • 2)  How does this mesh with the subject itself?
  • 3)  What did the source have to gain by presenting the subject matter in the particular tenor chosen?
  • 4)  Can you detect bias in the source?
  • 5)  Can you independently verify the information presented by the source?
  • 6)  Does the source independently verify the information presented?
  • 7)  When did the source write record the information in relation to the event (subject matter)?

8)  Is there counter-evidence? Present the counter-evidence.

he work of Degas was influenced by the experiments of Impressionists, japonisme, and modernity. Discuss the presence of these influences in the painting. 2) Jackson Pollock’s Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) (1950), is an Abstract Expressionist painting. What are some of the characteristics of Abstract Expressionists art and how is it manifested in this painting? 3) Whistler took the art critic Ruskin to court over the review of Nocturne in Black and Gold. This moment is often viewed as a turning point in the history of art. What was at stake and what did it mean for the future of art that Whistler won?

Always be as specific in your language as possible when making your argument. Refer to specific visual details. You should discuss the images in terms of formal elements and concepts addressed in class (e.g. artistic movements, historical events, representations of race or gender, etc.). You may mention other images for comparative purposes. While I do not expect polished essays, you should write in complete sentences and try to present clear arguments.


Section One: Single Image Analysis   5 points each


  • The work of Degas was influenced by the experiments of Impressionists, japonisme, and modernity. Discuss the presence of these influences in the painting.


2) Jackson Pollock’s Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) (1950), is an Abstract Expressionist painting. What are some of the characteristics of Abstract Expressionists art and how is it manifested in this painting?


3) Whistler took the art critic Ruskin to court over the review of Nocturne in Black and Gold. This moment is often viewed as a turning point in the history of art. What was at stake and what did it mean for the future of art that Whistler won?


4) We can often have multiple and contradictory responses to major events in life. Art can be a powerful means of visualizing these responses. Explain why this painting by Homer can be put forth as an example of this function of art.



Section Two: Comparisons  10 points each 

  • Both van Gogh and Malevich were searching for new ways of expressing the spiritual in art. Explain how these two paintings can be understood as modern religious painting.


2) Compare how these two artists portray women and reinforce or challenge the (male) “gaze.”


3) The architects of these two buildings were both responding to technological innovations. Compare and contrast their approach.


4) This painting by Kandinsky and sculpture by Boccioni were made one year apart. Both are responses to modern developments in art and society, both incorporate aspects of subjective experience, and both involvement experiments with motion. That said, the two artists are doing producing very different art. Discuss how these artists are a product of their time, and what the are doing that is similar and/or different.

Evaluate the changes that have occurred (also consider any changes that have failed to occur) in the social, political, legal, economic, and cultural situation of women between 1940 and 2012. Can progress and failures in these areas be attributed primarily to the women’s liberation movement, government policies, or structural changes in America’s society, economy, and politics.

Evaluate the changes that have occurred (also consider any changes that have failed to occur) in the social, political, legal, economic, and cultural situation of women between 1940 and 2012.  Can progress and failures in these areas be attributed primarily  to the women’s liberation movement, government policies, or structural changes in America’s society, economy, and politics.

What were the perspectives of the workers and management (mainly Carnegie but also Frick) during the Homestead strike? Could Carnegie have compromised on the issues between him and the union? Or was there an irreconcilable conflict which had to be settled through lockout and strike?

write a five to ten page paper double-spaced focusing on only one of the following suggested topics:

1. Your paper on Andrew Carnegie could involve your evaluation of his handling of labor relations in his steel and iron mills, such as Homestead. In fact, you may want to focus primarily on his handling of labor relations at Homestead. If you keep to that narrow focus, you can examine the Homestead strike and your evaluation of the dispute between Carnegie and the workers before and during the strike. This focus can involve answering these questions:

What were the perspectives of the workers and management (mainly Carnegie but also Frick) during the Homestead strike? Could Carnegie have compromised on the issues between him and the union? Or was there an irreconcilable conflict which had to be settled through lockout and strike?

David Brody, Steelworkers in America, the Nonunion Era (the most important source).                  Paul Krause, The Battle for Homestead, 1880-1892: Politics, Culture, and Steel .                   David P. Demarest, “The River Ran Red:” Homestead, 1892.

  1. Your paper will focus on Andrew Carnegie’s philanthropy and explain his choice of causes to support. Also, you will discuss whether he was just a passive donor or whether he actively involved himself in the causes that he financed. In addition to what you may discuss about his support for libraries, you can provide brief descriptions of the work of the various charities to which he made donations to show his values. For instance, explain why he founded the Carnegie Trust, Carnegie Hall, Carnegie Institutes, Carnegie School of Technology, and Carnegie Foundation. Did he contribute any ideas to them in addition to his money? Did he define their objectives and priorities or, in some cases, did he leave it up to them?

Joseph Frazier Wall’s book Andrew Carnegie (either edition is fine).                                     Simon Goodenough’s book, The Greatest Good Fortune: Andrew Carnegie’s Gift for Today

  1. How did Carnegie seize opportunities to become wealthy and successful in the steel business? Do you agree with his business decisions, especially concerning his steel company? Why or Why Not?

James Howard Bridge, The Inside history of the Carnegie Steel Company.                           Joseph F. Wall, Andrew Carnegie (first or second edition).                                                        John Kennedy Winkler, Incredible Carnegie, the life of Andrew Carnegie.                             Robert Hessen, Steel Titan, the life of Charles M. Schwab                                                                  Jean McHugh, Alexander Holley and the Makers of Steel

  1. Discuss how Carnegie’s life was shaped by the conflicting values of his mother and father: humanitarian democratic idealism vs. a self-centered realism which made Carnegie at times inclined to practice Social Darwinism.

Identify the author and place this work in the context of their scholarship

The book is ” Citizen Coke” by Bartow J. Elmore

Final Book Review Paper

The purpose of the book review paper is to demonstrate your mastery of its material and offer the class background on the subject of your choice. Each member of the group will write their own book review.

It should

  1. Identify the author and place this work in the context of their scholarship
  2. Identify the thesis (theses)
  3. Give an overview of the narrative
  4. Make an argument about the global historical relevance of this book.
  5. Relate the book to at least two areas of global historical significance discussed in class
  6. Offer criticisms of the work. Be concise


Suggestions for Writing an Effective Book Review

Style: Book reviews can be dry and formulaic or they can be lively and engaging. Opt for the latter if possible.

Comprehensiveness: You are reading a book that no one else in the class has likely read. Make sure to write as if the reader knows nothing about your subject. The goal of this book review is to both prove your mastery of the material at hand and to bring something new to the discussion of global history. Being comprehensive necessarily means that you will have to describe the contents of the book and retell a portion of the story. This paper, however, is not about repeating the arguments of the book uncritically. Find a good balance between retelling the story and bringing your own opinions to bear on the content.

Clarity: Good writing takes time and will likely require several drafts. Be sure to proofread for grammar and spelling, to include topic sentences, and pay attention to the flow of your narrative. Did you include an argument in your review? A judgment about its quality, whether people should read it, whether it adds to your understanding of global history? If so, make sure those statement are clearly positioned at the beginning (introduction) and end (conclusion) of the paper.

Evidence: Include citations from the book and quotes where appropriate. Feel free to reference material from class as well, always citing appropriately.

Author and audience: Knowing how wrote a work and why is an important part of understanding the value and meaning of a work. Does the author approach their subject fairly? Critically? Comprehensively?

Comparisons: Do you recognize any familiar events/people/historical trends from this book? Have we discussed anything similar in class? Make sure to place your book in the context of the class readings and discussion where applicable.

Criticisms: No book is perfect and you do not need to be an expert historian to find weaknesses. What does the book do well (don’t forget to be positive)? What could it have done more effectively? Was it clear? Convincing? A good story? Well-researched? Explain why with evidence.

Discuss your perspective on the event, including, but not limited to, what was inevitable or avoidable, and what was beneficial or costly. Again, be sure to review the required reading about what to look for in a scholarly resource, and if you have trouble locating an article, contact a librarian to assist you. Your assignment, which should be three pages total, will not be accepted if your source(s) are not available in CSU’s Online Library, and the article you choose must be completely cited and referenced. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

After reading the lecture and required readings for this unit, use the knowledge you have learned to write a three page essay on one of the topics below:

  • Bacon’s revolt on Jamestown, Va.;
  • The Pueblo Revolt; and
  • Salem witch trials HY 1110,

American History I 3 In order to support your discussion, you will need to select at least one outside source from the CSU Library. Your essay must address, but are not limited to, the following items listed below: · Introduce the event. This may include what happened, the reason, setting, location, timeline, outcome, and casualties. · Describe how characteristics of the region of Colonial America impacted your chosen conflict. · Discuss the American ideals or philosophies that may have caused this event to occur. How have these ideals and philosophies changed to the way we live today.

  • Discuss your perspective on the event, including, but not limited to, what was inevitable or avoidable, and what was beneficial or costly. Again, be sure to review the required reading about what to look for in a scholarly resource, and if you have trouble locating an article, contact a librarian to assist you. Your assignment, which should be three pages total, will not be accepted if your source(s) are not available in CSU’s Online Library, and the article you choose must be completely cited and referenced. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.


Within this unit, you were placed within the time frame of 1750s to 1780s. Imagine that you were living during this time and you, or a family member if you wish, have enlisted in the Colonial Army. What is the general reaction of your family to this decision? Are you (or the enlisted) a part of any special population, region, minority, or other distinction? How does your population, region, minority, or other distinction impact your experience and morale? Will the family stay at home or follow the camp? Your journal assignment will need to be a minimum one page in length. All sources used must be cited and referenced. Paraphrased or quoted material must have accompanying citations per 6th edition APA format. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.


With the times quickly changing, and the recent division among those who support the Federalists and Anti-Federalists, public rallies in the town center have become a common thing. For the next rally, you have been asked to give a speech regarding the side you support. After choosing which side to support, use the PowerPoint reading from this unit to choose a minimum of four of the six bullets from slide two titled, “Quick Comparison,” as the basis for your speech. Using these four bullets you have selected summarize how this political divide would evolve into the two-party system.

Option 1: By choosing this option, you will write out your speech in essay form. Be sure to address the four bullet points you selected from the PowerPoint within the essay for your speech. Your speech must be a minimum of two (2) pages. A minimum of two (2) reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced, only one of which can come from the required reading section. This means you will need to find at least one additional source on your own. Inappropriate resources, or failure to use resources available in CSU’s online library can lead to deductions (and loss of your news audience).