craft a complete story

Using the characters and situations outlined in Fiction Assignment #1, craft a complete story—beginning, middle, and end (5 pages or more). Use deep description. Pay attention to voice, point of view, imagery, and dialogue.

Please submit your assignment via the hyperlink in the title of this item by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. eastern

Using the characters and situations outlined in Fiction Assignment #1, craft a complete story—beginning, middle, and end (5 pages or more). Use deep description. Pay attention to voice, point of view, imagery, and dialogue.

Please submit your assignment via the hyperlink in the title of this item by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. eastern

Using the characters and situations outlined in Fiction Assignment #1, craft a complete story—beginning, middle, and end (5 pages or more). Use deep description. Pay attention to voice, point of view, imagery, and dialogue.

Please submit your assignment via the hyperlink in the title of this item by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. eastern