demographic group

important demographic group in the workforce consists of those individuals nearing retirement. “Baby Boomers are reaching retirement age. While many Boomers may choose to stretch their retirement date based on some combination of lifestyle choice and recent market developments, many are opting for less-demanding positions or reduced workloads.” “By 2020, 16 percent of the U.S. population will be age 65 and over, up from 12 percent in 1999. ¼ Yet leaders of many organizations ignore aging workforce issues despite the potential problems they see coming, and some damage seems likely to occur before the issues receive appropriate attention.” “[T]he size of the Baby Boomer demographic group exceeds current graduating classes, and replacing their experience will be a challenge for most firms.”w  ty

Increasingly, business and governmental organizations are adopting alternative work arrangements for economic reasons. For example, a May 2008 poll conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management indicated that 18 percent of responding organizations offered telecommuting in order to help employees with rising fuel costs. Four months later, with fuel prices continuing to soar, the percentage of organizations offering the telecommuting option had risen to 40 percent. In October 2008, when gasoline prices were peaking, Ann Bednarz, writing in Network World, reported that “[g]as shortages in the Southeast United States are prompting companies to consider expanding their telework programs so employees can conserve fuel. Other options workers are weighing include greater use of carpools and public transit, along with alternative scheduling arrangements such as four-day work weeks.”

In addition to the dramatic increase in fuel costs in the summer and autumn of 2008, concerns about global warming and long commutes have fostered interest in alternative arrangements. Moreover, two recession-related factors could lead more employees to seek out long-distance telecommuting options for at least part of their time on the job. First, the slow housing market limits people’s ability to move to new jobs. Consequently, rather than physically commuting a long distance for a new job, part-time, long-distance telecommuting could be an option. Second, the weak job market that has been caused by the recession appears to be increasing the number of commuter marriages wherein the spouses work in different cities. Here too, part-time, long-distance telecommuting might be a viable option.

Many nations have experimented successfully with various flexible work programs; and indeed, some countries have enacted laws to make alternative work arrangements more accessible to employees. Although the United States has not enacted such legislation, the demographic and economic changes that are occurring may result in alternative work arrangements laws that “could play an important role in preparing the U.S. economy for the future.”

Will the U.S. government and American businesses be adequately prepared to meet future economic challenges, at least in part, by embracing the movement toward increasing use of alternative work arrangements?

This case was written by Michael K. McCuddy, The Louis S. and Mary L. Morgal Chair of Christian Business Ethics and Professor of Management, College of Business Administration, Valparaiso University.

Write a 2- 3 page paper.  In your paper discuss the following questions with concepts from the course:

  1. How can employees benefit from alternative work arrangements?  Why?
  2. What are some of the possible negative outcomes for employers and/or employees regarding alternative work arrangements? Please explain your answer.
  3. What types of factors are influencing organizations to consider using alternative work arrangements? Explain how alternative work arrangements can address the problems/issues that are raised by these factors.
  4. Should the availability of alternative work arrangements to employees in the United States be mandated by law? Why or why not?

Include a title page and 3-5 references.  Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia).  The other references must be from the Grantham University online library.  Please adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed., 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers.