graphic match

The midterm will cover chapters 1-7, 14, class lecture, and films we have watched or discussed in class. It will consist of multiple choice, matching, and true and false questions.

Important information and terms you might want to study for the exam… just knowing the definition will not get you far. Make sure you understand the whole concept so you do not miss a question for memorizing a term. It might be worded in a different way than you studied for.

-Directors of the films we have watched and famous directors we’ve discussed in class

-Films we have watched or discussed in class

-The different ways how to write about films

-auteur -avant-garde film

-closure -composition

-voice-over -parallels

-cut -turning points

-camera tracks -intertextual references

-compilation films -plot summary

-establishing shot -re-establishing shot

-long shot -pans

-reverse shot -backstory

-narrative form -narrative sequencing

-fade-outs/fade-ins -protagonist

-antagonist -Hollywood “rules” of narrative (ch. 4)

-point-of-view shot -CGI

-cameos -character actors

-morphing -lenses

-Lighting: hard, soft, available, high-key, low-key -scene

-shot -storyboard

-long takes -out-takes

-time-lapse photography -frozen time moment

-high-/low-angle shots -extreme close-up

-close-up -tracking shot

-pan -swish pan

-crane -ariel shot

-steadicam -wide-angle shot

-depth of field -filters

-tinting -toning

-exposures -rear projection

-matte shot/paintings -double exposure

-dissolve -blue screen

-graphic match -wipe

-parallel editing -cutaways

-180-degree rule -match on action

-montage –Cahiers du Cinema (ch 14)