Hosseni manages

Hosseni manages to show how much Hassan enjoys himself at the wedding, ‘with a glass of wine’. Hosseni’s experiences brought out through the novel explains the acceptance and the urge of the characters to do what is right and live with each other in harmony as compared to the historical periods where certain communities were neglected. Despite the betrayals, the members come to an agreement and see no need to pursue the historical events and discriminative acts extended to other Islamic groups consistently. Feelings of superiority and selflessness are done away with, both in the cultural and social aspect. This makes Hassan feel at peace and can differentiate the true friendship from hypocritical aspects in the future for those he chooses to associate with.

The theme of loyalty is therefore clearly brought out in the novel and majorly enhanced by Hassan and Amir, with separate characters and different points of view on matters of society and culture. The lack of loyalty by Amir to Hassan keeps Amir rooted in his cultural aspects, which in most cases bring others who care about him a disappointment. Hassan’s loyalty to Amir causes the rape incident and damages their relationship in the future. The relationship between the two, since they were friends, is what has built the strong foundation between the two, which has been successfully reactivated after a period. Hassan comes out to be the servant with a close relationship to his father, Ali. Ali has been able to teach Hassan about loyalty and righteousness especially before family and all worthy friendships.

Hassan, therefore, keeps his rape a secret in the bid to protect Amir, and this shows how much he is a loyal servant and a true friend, whom Amir could faithfully count on(Judy 39). These differences show the connection between loyalty and the true value of family, where Hassan remains the loyal friend and servant, suffering for those he cares about, due to different circumstances triggered by cultural, social and historical aspects.

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